Formats you can send:
We are able to process the following processed negative formats: 35 mm, APS Film, 110/220 Film, 126 Instamatic Film, Large Negatives.
What you will receive:
Your order contents will vary depending on which output(s) you selected; your original media will be returned with your order.
DVD features:
- Slideshow movie of your images in the sequence requested (each image will be displayed for 7 seconds)
- DVD chapters created at natural scene breaks
- DVD case with thumbnail images of each chapter
- Title and theme (if selected)
- 3 music video trailers (1 minute each)
- 12-megapixel JPEG image files of each negative frame
USB features:
- 12-megapixel JPEG image files of each negative frame
Digital Copy features, accessible in MemoryCloud for 60 days:
- View and download to your computer, smartphone, or tablet
- Order additional DVDs or USBs
- Add your Digital Copy to Google Photos, where you can share and store all your memories in one place (storage quota applies)
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